Author Topic: [NC-1A] Nations Cup - Intro, Maps, Rules  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline Corsair831

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[NC-1A] Nations Cup - Intro, Maps, Rules
« on: September 27, 2012, 05:50:45 pm »
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Welcome to the C-RPG Nations cup!

This cup will be an 8v8 2 map 8 round tournament broadly following the format of the dozens of highly successful native tournaments which have ran in the past.

If you want to get involved, simply go to your team's thread within the Nations Cup sub-forum, and write an application there!


Overall Tournament Rules

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Match Specific Rules

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Item/Class Specific Rules

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Like team selection, maps will be randomly selected from the pool for each stage of the tournament.  So for the first stage:
team A vs team B on map X and map Y
& team C vs team D on map X and map Y

The actual maps will be:

Closed Maps -

Nord Town
Port Assault

Open Maps -

Field by the River
Frosty Battle
Reveran Village
Ruined Fort
Snowy Village
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 05:59:12 pm by Corsair831 »
I 10/10'd cRPG on!

Do your bit for our community and write a 10/10 review for cRPG on !