Author Topic: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit  (Read 668 times)

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Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:33:21 am »
Eventhough i really like the game and everything... theres always one thing really pissing me off.

Horses that run highspeed all the damn time like bikes not like living creatures. If a Horse collects arrows in real life it will try to flee - or at least would be much harder to control - if it doesnt drop dead cus of all the stress. This would make every cavbuild much harder to master - which could also make the 100,000,000 newborn Horsearchers in the past few weeks overthink their choice - and which would add a great point to realism and fun...

Could work like that: Horse loses xxx % of HP ---> you cant controll the direction its running in nor the speed. its just running fullspeed straight. When it collides with a tree, mapborder, house whatever you regain the power over the movement tho, the movement speed of the horse is slightly decreased.

This would also force ranged cav to keep an eye on their environment - wich is realistic.

After all this would not be a nerf of any class - just an addition.

Also you could add more horses like well trained (not just well bred) to make the effect of damage to the horse less obvious in its moves.

E.G. Knights had to train their horses all the time to make them ready for a fight. A vanilla Horse would just run away or die of shock.

So, if there was another section like "trainer" where you could spend points in the ability of your horse like make its character stronger etc. it would also add more depth to the game. Would be like an Alternative char you could mount. You would have to buy the training points - like 1 point for 10k and the spent point would expire after 1 week - that would be equal to paying a trainer who has to train the horse everytime its not in the war.

Horses and their riders were the most effective and most expensive warmachines in the dark ages. Also it was a class which required loads of training.

On CRPG everyone can use a horse and shoot a bow... just like that. Avoiding any risk, paying less money than the high armored groundtroops - even less than the knights and thats crap.

SO my suggestion is:

Make Horses (and all related classes) more realisic (AND BALANCED) by making them harder to master.

sorry for the bed english. im just about to go to bad.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 01:51:52 am by Finuad »
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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 02:04:44 am »
I personally dislike any mechanic that removes control of your character before you are dead (other examples including knockdown, projectile stagger, and the now defunct polestagger).

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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 02:11:42 am »
Hm.. interesting

In PW Mod Horses are becoming really lame after losing a certain % of their HP. Let's say they are moving only 1/4 of their speed once they lose half hp.
That usually means people buy new horses in PW mod.

I'm not sure about this suggestion. It is true that there are often too many people playing cav on certain maps, and most are often in one team... that usually means unbalanced rounds. By restricting the classes that wouldnt be solved, as anyone should be able to play what he wants (that is what crpg is great at).

One good thing with your suggestion. Cav shouldnt charge straight at the enemy anymore, they wont attack the spawn in the first minute. However they also cannot deal that good with archers anymore which weakens cavalry... probably even too heavily.

I also see it like Vodner, though I dont see any harm in knockdown for example.
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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 02:33:48 am »
However they also cannot deal that good with archers anymore which weakens cavalry... probably even too heavily.

I also see it like Vodner, though I dont see any harm in knockdown for example.

thats why it should be bound to a percentage of damage. Like only 2 times. Once at 1/4 HP and once close to death. If then horses would be able to run much faster, do more bump damage bcus theyre in fury but unable to control - it would not inevitably be a debasement of the status quo - it could even be an improvement. Infantry could chase off kiting horsarchers' horses, horse archers could not delay every round and meleecav would not be struck at all. Because appearantly if you're once too close to a group of archers it doesnt matter what you're doing as cav. If they're good, first your horse will drop dead and then you will either die yourself or try and chase them down... which is not easy with less athl. than the average archer. 

my suggestion should not nerf any classes - just change the thinking and the feeling of riding a horse same as fighting one and maybe decrease the number of Random Horsearchers - or increase the individual skill of those.

The knockdown thingy is fine. I mean when you're fighting a Mauler or a Macer you know it can happen. So you're more careful... especially when you're facing a greatmaul. Changing the horses behaviour would do the same. You'd know that they get uncontrollable when theyre close to death or in fury - so you'll try to avoid archers (what you should be doing anyway...) and you'll have to watch your environment.

Also it would be nice if horses got damaged when bumping into walls or trees.... could also stop the Cavspam.
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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 12:35:19 pm »
I welcome changes that would make horses harder to master.
But not by making you lose control of the horse. Just like Vodner said.


Some suggestions by me, CrazyCracka420 (and others):
- Horses should fuck people up when they are dead and fly into you.
- You should be able to dismount whenever you want (but take damage if the horse is moving).
- Damage done to player if falling of the horse based on horse speed.
- Damage done to horse if running into an obstacle (tree, other horse, wall, spear etc) making it stop.
- A chance to fall of the horse if it gets stopped at high speed. Higher riding should decrease the chance.
- If cav blocks on horse, don't allow it to protect the horse's hitboxes if you try to hit its ass and they somehow block it.
- People should be able to tackle/pull me off the horse.
- You should be able to give people piggy back rides on your horse (but it should be slowed down immensely).
- Pikemen should be able to brace pikes into the ground so if cav runs into it, the horse gets impaled and stuck on the pike.

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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 12:47:38 pm »
best idea ever, fuck all gayvalry
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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 12:58:22 pm »
A horse running around all the time not getting tired is unrealistic, but a man doing so isn't?
A horse hit by an arrow should go out of controle of die of stress, but a man with 2 arrows in his knee get no penalty? There should be a balance between realism and game balance, i think we are pretty close to it, and this would drive it further apart.

This is something for the realism discussion, but i get it, not many really look there so suggestions corner is more effective.

On CRPG everyone can use a horse and shoot a bow... just like that. Avoiding any risk, paying less money than the high armored groundtroops - even less than the knights and thats crap.

This alone made me -1 the suggestion. Getting riding has a great impact on your build, being an archer rules out most of your melee potential, and horses bows and arrows are expensive as hell. I think a Horsearcher is one of the most expensive classes. After that you were lucky -5 wasnt possible for the rest.
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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 01:23:53 pm »
After all this would not be a nerf of any class - just an addition.

Let's change the Danish Greastsword to be dropped every time one is chambered, BUT this is not a nerf to any weapon, just an addition!

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Re: Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 02:10:01 pm »
Let's change the Danish Greastsword to be dropped every time one is chambered, BUT this is not a nerf to any weapon, just an addition!


oh wow i cant even remember writing this :O
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