As one of the tank Guardian, one of my role is to stay in the middle point of some point, and wait the ennemy. If he's alone, crush him/make him flee (not a lot of snares). If there's more, hold.
Thing is, on the Capricorn map, i end up underwater in the ruins. And i can spend half the map time without any ennemy or ally coming to help me. In those situations, i still secure a good third of our team's point. So... victory. But my score : 40-80. A shame holding points isn't giving off some score. You're more rewarded when staying in your group.
I'll still "train" a bit, before enjoying tournaments with guildmates. Since i need runes that i can't find, and some good looking pieces of armor and weapons.
Still fun though. As much as WvW, slightly more maybe.