Author Topic: Ban HoC for poll abuse, attacking virgin and being an ass  (Read 2055 times)

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Re: Ban HoC for poll abuse, attacking virgin and being an ass
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2012, 06:04:20 pm »
we have asked to the server, and almost everyone was agree with it, except that peasant who report everyone who don't play his game how he wants it
you know what, i will ask for him a banrequest, reason: whinning on forums to ban people

i tell you this lord_armegadon, you make allot of friends right now
if this is the only reason to play crpg, to whinne, insult, and then asking a banrequest for people, even an entire clan, because they where tired about your insults, then i tell you this
on the moment, when i see you insulting one of the HoCmembers, or even 1 of the other people, i will make screenshots, and then i will ask a banrequest
and i will be not allone to do that


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Re: Ban HoC for poll abuse, attacking virgin and being an ass
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2012, 08:31:37 pm »
I was not there at the time, but I can assure anyone reading through this thread that we have a VERY fucking strict "no trolling" rule, and a very strict order against talking shit. People who are seen doing either of the two in game are immediately called out in TS and told to chill out. I'm certain with an 80%+ votekick, there was quite a lot of agreement, at least among the HoC present, that arma was screwing around. I'll leave that up to the logs to decide, and if we did treat you unfairly and troll the DTV server, I am very sorry. That would absolutely not be the HoC crowd I know.
I should say however, the Grunts are new folks in the recruitment stage, and anything they have done unfairly, if anything (and hopefully nothing), it will be counted against them and we will keep an eye on them. I assure you, we're here to have a good time, not be dicks.

Edit: To add, trolling is not cool. It's not cool coming from our faction and it's not cool coming towards our faction. If you believe you have an issue with misconduct, make use of the "i" key. Admins are your friends.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 08:38:26 pm by Jeade »
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Re: Ban HoC for poll abuse, attacking virgin and being an ass
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2012, 08:42:30 pm »
Well canary pretty much covered it here before the rest of you guys covered it in shit(posting)

Chat abuse (insults, trolling, etc) is against the rules.  Not participating with team in any way (afk, spawning without weapon, "leeching) is against the rules.  Killing the virgin is against the rules (but we understand how its used to change maps).  Kick polling someone when they are breaking rules isn't necessarily against the rules, but when its a clan stack doing it, it may bring some questions and feelings of mob mentality thuggish beatings.

Well there you go, a whole bunch of barely noteworthy rules broken that did not really effect anyone's experience too much.  You were KICK (not ban) polled while disrupting the server.  HoC, the kick poll was probably a bit of a grief on you guys part.  I'd suggest just ignoring it and not using clan stacks to poll against people.

And the ultimate conclusion to take from this thread is that DTV is seemingly more of an anarchic hellhole than NA_Community or Siege, and if you play there you better be able to handle yourself.  The New Wild West of gaming.

Please don't make trivial shit ban requests because you're mad after being a raging dick in chat or something and getting polled.  I can't stand reading these things.  This is your only warning.  Closing thread.  Peace.
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