Author Topic: Unban Expert_the_Grey  (Read 351 times)

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Unban Expert_the_Grey
« on: August 11, 2012, 09:32:53 pm »

I am writing this just after Strategus Siege The Nordmen vs. Sharwa Castle. I was banned there in about 1/2 or 2/3 time of the siege.

I have not done any screens, because I was thinking it was a joke, it wasn't. Someone(i don't remember, but probably Fallen) "warn" me to not grief the defenders. When defenders do a "snake" attack(3 ppl and me) and we reach the enemy formations we start fighting. One of us(2h) starts fighting with 2h enemy, when I try to join to fight to help, I first hit enemy, but second blow reach friendly, this hit has been immediately reported(this was [1/5] report), after this Fallen wrote "I warn you" and I've been banned already. Ban is on all EU servers.

Here is the list what I do "wrong" and what from that "wrong" things I noticed:
1 TK(I apologized for this)
1 Teamhit I apologized, but the rest not if there was more(there was 1 more, this for what I've been banned, I am now apologizing for it, because I haven't got time for it before, because ban was done almost immediately(I was writing one already, where I was apologizing and asking for what main reason I was banned, but I didn't end this, because of ban))
1 hit to Weapon rack(I don't destroyed it)
2 hits on "friendly" ladder that has been set from outside of the castle, I was thinking it was "oppening the back door" for enemy, but when ally write "Don't destroy ladder" I stopped it(Ladder has been set from the same person that I later hit once and then was banned)

What I want to say is, I really apologize for mistakes, but looking at tk and th, I don't really know why it was reproached to me, many ppl where teamkilling in fighting, even not apologizing. About a ladder, I hit it twice, but I stopped, when "owner" of ladder say to stop(it isn't major mistake, when ladder was throwed from outside, oppening back door to castle. For 1 hit into Weapon rack, I really apologize, it WAS a major mistake, but I think that I shouldn't be banned for 1 hit that don't destroyed it.

I have question too, is this permament ban on EU servers or it expires sometime?

« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 09:50:24 pm by ExpertPL »

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Re: Unban Expert_the_Grey
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 09:21:56 am »

I banned your because people reported that you repeatably destroyed defender equip. I considered this griefing and banned you for the remainder of the battle.

The ban has already expired.