What the topic says.
It's completly pointless to have this feature on Eu/Na 3. If it's on duel mode you wont get any teamhits, and as soon as there's a Strat battle upcoming it is retarded super retarded to report his teammates. Especially with lagspikes or playing on the "wrong" server (Eu player on Na or the other way) it becomes very annoying if there are people acting like "oh, look, i got a teamhit while i was completely surrounded by enemies/allies, lets report him". In strat a team needs to work together even more than in normal battle mode, and therefore reporting teamhits and causing people to get kicked -> losing 1 ticket including equipment and then you need time to rejoin which you cannot use to support your team, is not productiv at all
There is no serious reason to keep it on the duel/strat servers, its always the same on strat that some people act extremly stupid when they get a teamhit...