Sorry for the bad quality again, but if you look closely you will see what needs to be seen.
As for you two guys take the time to read carefully:
I played this game as Skono_the_Scarred.The video shows you, bohemian ( the blue guy) obviously
avoiding attacking the archer who is two meters away from you ( who is your dear friend lucky luke)
who strangely enough avoids shooting you as well. then you, bohemian, are running away from the
conflict for obviously avoiding to fight your friend.THAT is what the video shows.Stop pretending.
The round before, I kept getting shot by luke while you patiently waited for me to die. You didnt try to
kill luke. You didnt want to attack at all. THAT is the offense.
If anybody here has the means to react to this, please do. Thank you.
PS: (The following is in french so that these two can understand me clearly.)
Bohemian et luke, arretez de faire vos innocents. Je comprends tres bien
que personne veut tuer son pote , mais ca marche pas comme ca sur le jeu.
Soit vous jouez vraiment et vous vous battez convenablement, ou vous jouez
pas du tout. Le round ou je me suis fait canarde par luke ( qui a bien joue, je
le reconnais) il ne restait que nous trois. La, tu as aucune excuse pour ne pas
l'avoir attaque, bohemian. Ce que je veux dire, c'est que je veux pas faire
ma pute avec vous, mais jouez le jeu convenablement, c'est tout. Juste excusez
vous et j'insisterai pas, ok?