Author Topic: Re: [Unban] Pain_Death_Destruction  (Read 390 times)

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Re: [Unban] Pain_Death_Destruction
« on: July 14, 2012, 04:36:15 pm »
Still no definitive explanation as to why I was banned and how I can not get banned 4 w/e i did in the future.

Like I said certain admins have made it apparently clear that I am their bitch and I accept that,  they are the masters here not me.

I am not trolling, I just wanna know. 

See when Tydeus banned me that was my fault because the admin interpreted the rules in a certain way and i disrespected that.

My belief was that the rules trumped admins but then It was pointed out that admins interpretation of the rules are god.

so god, or muki in this case,  what is your interpretation that I have unknowingly broken

Furthermore I only want to know so I do not repeat the offense.  To prove this if you look at my record in the last 6 months I have not been banned for any crime that is the same as

a previous offense more then once. So I do learn my lesson.  In this case however, I do not know what the lesson is to be learned and that is what I am asking. 

Oftentimes acts of intelligence and/or the questioning of authority are taken as offense.  Rest assured I mean none of that.

Oh and for the trolls happy trolling,  your all so good at it. I'm impressed :rolleyes:.
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Offline Vkvkvk

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Re: Re: [Unban] Pain_Death_Destruction
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 05:09:31 pm »
3 Threads that you made and 1 thread related to you.

Couldn't just let it blow over for a small 24 hours ban, could you.