Just a quick, non-gamebreaking suggestion.
With the new armor weight penalty system for archery gloves count x 4, which means even leather gloves have a considerable impact on armor weight. I hate looking at my character not wearing gloves and I guess there are others feeling the same. I dont even care about the one point of armor they give, I just wear them solely for the looks. Even from a realism point of view, as far as I know, contrary to reducing the ability to operate a bow gloves are more or less needed to do so, but let that be discussed by the historians around here.
Can leather gloves please be reduced to 0 weight OR can there be a 0 weight alternative ? For example take the current leather gloves and recolour the texture from brown to black and give it 0 weight but also 0 armor, which does not take much effort and would surely make many people happy.