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Offline KPhan2121

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Pain Animation
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:59:32 pm »
Hello, is there a way to break out of the pain animation? Whenever I get hit by any weapon, my character goes into this pain animation and its always long enough for my opponent to land another hit and there doesn't seem to be a way for my character to block or move or even fight back. I however have noticed that people have easily broken out of the pain animation and blocked my 2nd strike very easily, this frustrates me and I hope that there is a way to do the same. Thanks.

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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 09:13:32 pm »
are you NA or EU?

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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 09:19:18 pm »
can we please get rid of dying, every time enemy hits me im dead and that really isnt good for my score, so yea, can you please fix it
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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 09:23:20 pm »
It's most likely polestun, a shoddy mechanic that seems to be stuck like a leech to the NA servers.
Only reason I wish I lived in Germany or something.
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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 09:54:23 pm »
1.) It could be "polestagger."  If you play in north america, this factor is still in effect.  Some polearms can make you "stagger" a bit longer than usual.  It has a % chance of happening, and its pretty rare, so it shouldn't be happening all the time like you describe, and it only works if you get hit with a polearm, and only on NA servers.

2.) someone else could be hitting you right after you get hit.  If you get hit with a weapon, and then hit with an arrow, or kicked, you will stagger from both/all hits.  This will make you vulnerable for longer.

3.) You are probably not reacting fast enough.  Whenever you are hit, you CAN block the next hit, but you have to be fast.  Also, in the melee confusion and panic from being struck, you may be blocking the wrong way, or whatever.  Usually its easier to hit someone right after they've been struck because they panic a bit and sometimes block the wrong way. 

Just try to block the next hit as soon as you're hit and you should be ok.

Offline KPhan2121

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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 10:11:48 pm »
1) i have noticed that, whenever I get hit by a polearm my character spins around and moves backwards
2) i have seen that happen, but its kind of rare
3) Its probably that, since my ping is on average 200 on EU servers and 100 on NA servers.

Well, the bigger weapons are slower so I can sometimes block the attack right after the animation, but my biggest problem is with some of the faster builds, this guy with a dagger stabbed me from the side and I was locked in the pain animation long enough for him to keep on stabbing me til I was dead.

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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 10:23:25 pm »
1) i have noticed that, whenever I get hit by a polearm my character spins around and moves backwards
2) i have seen that happen, but its kind of rare
3) Its probably that, since my ping is on average 200 on EU servers and 100 on NA servers.

Well, the bigger weapons are slower so I can sometimes block the attack right after the animation, but my biggest problem is with some of the faster builds, this guy with a dagger stabbed me from the side and I was locked in the pain animation long enough for him to keep on stabbing me til I was dead.

If someone has some kind of insane super-fast joke dagger build, it may in fact be possible to chain-attack fast enough so the other person can't block.  I've never seen it though.  The good thing is that daggers are weak (it will eventually glance on your armor) and short (so try to move out of range quickly if possible).  Other than that, 100 ping should be enough.  Try some practices on the duel server!

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Re: Pain Animation
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 10:35:56 pm »
The only time you should get stuck in the pain animation (or 'painimationTM')and be unable to respond is when:

1- You get shot by an arrow (sometimes it has a longer stun)
2- You get hit by a polearm & are playing on an NA server (should be removed in the near future, but they also occasionally proc'd a longer stun)
3- You are fighting someone with a fast weapon AND you are using a veerrrryyy slooow weapon (many of the crush-through mauls for example sometimes have troubles getting spammed if you use their overhead)
4- You are choosing a bad swing & are in bad position, which means their quick swing may land before your swing goes all the way across your body to hit them.
5- You are pausing too long before attacking, either due to slow reaction time or hesitation in general.
6- Your ping is too high

All these situations can cause a 'double hit' to occur.
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