I've gotten this issue as well. I'd add the cRPG Launcher to steam, and I'd lose my "In Game" Steam status as well as not get the overlay in game.
So I just launched Steam as an administrator, and it worked.
For n00bs, here's all the details on how to get this to work:
1.) Right click on either the shortcut to Steam, or Steam.exe and select Properties. Steam.exe can be found by clicking on Computer in your start menu, double clicking on the drive you installed Steam on, double clicking Program Files or Program Files (x86), and double clicking the Steam folder.
2.) Click on the compatibility tab
3.) Check the box that says "Run as Administrator"
Now, the main drawback is that you can't set Steam to launch on start up, but honestly, it's probably for the best, since start up time is quite a bit slower if Steam is launching as well. Also, I got a message saying Steam shouldn't be launched in Compatability mode. However, since you're only running it as an administrator, and not as a previous OS, just click cancel, and you will no longer get these messages. If Steam does something odd (doubtful), then you'll have to do the following every time you want to launch Steam:
1.) Right click on your Steam shortcut
2.) Click Run As Administrator
Of course, Steam probably won't act up... but you never know, since Steam can be stupid at times.