Well I was just wondering, isn't it an abuse muting a player if the player didn't do anything bad?
isn't it an abuse insult a player without any valid cause?
I'm obviously talking in correlation with the ''[Ban]Darmaster'' topic, becouse you locked it without letting me have a single reply for any question
the player darmaster did NOT do anythig rude or aggressive nor attacked verbally or physically any of the player in the server.He just said ''georges could you just play''(perhaps this for the shogunate is a heavy insult, don't know)
And so I'm still wondering: why did the player georges call him bastard(maybe becouse he was a bit nervous?
that obviously wouldn't justify him)and why did he(Darmaster) get muted?you say that it was a warning, but a warning exactly for what?for non replying to a player insulting reasonless him?
I would be glad to see the reactions if a random player entered the shogunate server and insulted a random shogunate player calling him bastard
would you mute your insulted friend?that's actually hilarious
I post again the screen as formal proof