Author Topic: Siege teamwork: flags & ladders  (Read 248 times)

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Siege teamwork: flags & ladders
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:12:45 am »
Would be nice to be able to use battalion flags on siege to mark spots for attack/defense.

Also, would be great if you could REMOVE ladder raising interrupts from teammates.  Its annoying and can cost attackers a round if noobs or intentional griefers are walking on the ladders.  Some of these maps only have 2 ladders into the castle, so a delay of 10-30 seconds costs you the round.

If anything, teammates being near/on ladder should HELP raise it.
Consider INCREASING the time it takes to raise a ladder by yourself (say 10 seconds) but let teammates help speed it up.

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Re: Siege teamwork: flags & ladders
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 12:23:27 am »
Would be nice to be able to use battalion flags on siege to mark spots for attack/defense.

Also, would be great if you could REMOVE ladder raising interrupts from teammates.  Its annoying and can cost attackers a round if noobs or intentional griefers are walking on the ladders.  Some of these maps only have 2 ladders into the castle, so a delay of 10-30 seconds costs you the round.

If anything, teammates being near/on ladder should HELP raise it.
Consider INCREASING the time it takes to raise a ladder by yourself (say 10 seconds) but let teammates help speed it up.

Great suggestions!  We have to give the devs something to work on besides mucking with the balance. ;)

Really though, it would be good to see siege get some attention.  This suggestions would be great!

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Re: Siege teamwork: flags & ladders
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2012, 03:37:36 am »
But then you'll get trolls who purposely mark a heavily defended area.
Or the entire team ignoring the flags...
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