"24 hour ban to allow time to read the rules of the servers.
Rage polls arent allowed, revenge tking is not allowed. You were just unbanned for a similar incident, any further incidents will be treated more harshly."
Did you even check the logs? I polled 2 people, one was Kahzer and other one was Warsand. Kahzer polled Xeen_KUTT for no reason, only because he was playing cavarly kinda annoying way (but still allowed). I polled Kahzer for that reason. Then some other guy, probably Kahzers friend polled Xeen_KUTT again for no reason, so I tried to poll that guy, but accidentaly polled "warsand". So who did I poll for no reason? Only one that polled for no reason was Kahzer and the other guy who polled Xeen_KUTT (don't remember his name). And who the fuck did I revenge TK? This is just plain bullshit, I didn't do shit, I was the one that was taking care of the "no reason pollers", by starting poll against them. I don't really see what I did wrong. The guy who started the ban thread on me, tought I polled Xeen_KUTT, wich I didn't... It's all in the logs.
Also what the fuck is this? I got BAN polled earlier for no reason, SSed it and made a ban request on forums.. The guy got nothing, not even a warning. (
http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,33185.0.html) But when I KICK poll for a REASON, I get banned? I love how the admins seem to favour some cocksuckers.
I just got polled like 15min ago 2 times out of the game... Some bundle of sticks asshole made a poll against me with a reason "Racism", wich I never did. Some other guy actually said "friend" in the chat (I have SS of that I believe), I told him to stop the racism. And right after that I got polled with reason "Racism". When I logged back in I got polled again..