The rampant inflation of crpggold was getting out of control. So goldsinks were introduced.
Some fun and gameenhancing, like lottery and various services from the auctionhouse.
Others devestating to the marketplace. The 5% tax.
My proposal is for an effective goldsink is fun for all and works with neglible negative sideeffects.
Start auctioning off less than popular looms. By creating them outa thin air.
+1 felt hat,+2 Blue Turret hat,+3 Practice dagger,+2 Short bow ... and so on.
These items will draw plenty of gold out of the economy,can be applied when needed and harms noone.
We will maybe start seeing more use of lowtier weapons and armor. Interactions between players and marketplace trades.
Most likly the items will be much lower priced than "usefull" looms. And open up the market for more of the playerbase that do not have enough gold to buy or bid on "proper" looms.
This could also be used more effectivly by doing direct marketoperations buying and selling loompoints, but with less fun involved.
The lowtier loom auctioning should be coupled with removal of the blacksmith that today fixes the value of +3 items to the value of 2 loompoints.
I nominate myself as CRPG central banker 2013! Vote for me in the elections!
I am Torost and I approve this message.