Author Topic: [BAN request]Multiple for poll abusing  (Read 847 times)

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Offline NikMac

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[BAN request]Multiple for poll abusing
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:56:44 pm »
My ingame nick: Anal_The_Bleeding
Their ingame nicks: CHUPAKABRA_The_Grey, dynek545_the_Grey
Server: EU2 (siege), 15-20 minutes before this request.
Expalnation: Poll-abused me to kick (I lost multi), no proper answer for asking on "reason?" from many players. Also, their best answer on "reason?" - "No x5 for bitches" from seljukbeg.
Chupakabra :
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Me (in case they will call me leecher, sry 4 low graphics, PC overheated):
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« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 05:15:09 pm by NikMac »
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Offline Bulzur

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Re: [BAN request]Multiple for poll abusing
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 05:50:55 pm »
You should have added SeljukBeg for harsh words.

Anyway, SeljukBeg did give a reason : "banner leecher idiot"
No sane people would use the ugly grey order's banner, except for leeching.
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Although such problems should be irrelevant now that their's exclusive banner for clans. And GO knows it since they tried to be in a clan with DRZ. So.. yep... poll abuse.
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Offline NikMac

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Re: [BAN request]Multiple for poll abusing
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 05:55:19 pm »
You should have added SeljukBeg for harsh words.

Anyway, SeljukBeg did give a reason : "banner leecher idiot"
No sane people would use the ugly grey order's banner, except for leeching.
(click to show/hide)

Although such problems should be irrelevant now that their's exclusive banner for clans. And GO knows it since they tried to be in a clan with DRZ. So.. yep... poll abuse.

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Obviously not Grey banner. So, where I abused Grey banner? If I took banner, not Greys official, and had positive k\d (which help them to win), obviously I'm not a leecher in all meanings.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 11:35:44 pm by NikMac »
If you want to fuck the sky
You must teach your dick to fly!

Offline Tennenoth

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Re: [BAN request]Multiple for poll abusing
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 09:15:21 am »
One poll should have been enough for any sane person to realise that whatever they were doing would likely get them banned so I see no reason to have two polls and being unable to give or mute about a reason, regardless of your ability to speak English just seems suspect.

Banners are quite simple, anyone can pick one and regardless of how long they have been playing or who they are, clans don't own the banner slots, they're public for a reason.
Now that we have exclusive banners, those are the ones that are owned, and you have a "right" to them, but no one should be kicked for using a public banner.

One (1) day bans for CHUPAKABRA_the_Grey & Dynek_the_Grey as it is their first offence.
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BullDog Clan member since 31/08/2010 / Caravan Guild member since 03/08/2010

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