I has this stuff now for da trading, make me da offers
Horn Long Bow. pewpewpewpew
+3 Destrier. bumpbumpbumpbump
+3 short sword. stabstabstabstab
+3 Bodkins. Piercepiercepiercepierce
+1 Leather Armour. runrunrunrun
make da offer, get da goods, I have gold sitting about too incase we need to make a deal.
I wants: All teh fingz. Will Probably take 2 'loom points and little cash for a +3
You know you wants deez fingz! They are da bestest and da strongest!
PS: realistic offers only pls, Im not gonna trade a destrier and gold for some cruddy polearm or armour, Unless it is one of these: Round Shield, Padded Leather, Rus Shoes, Bamboo Spear, Blue Hood, Leather Gloves. These fingz I likey. I likey dem alot, I wants dem. Gimme dem and I shower you with gold.