Author Topic: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!  (Read 1683 times)

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2012, 05:05:23 am »
Yes, I've tried throwing. Why does 4 Power Throw hit like a truck? And you can still outrun almost everyone? And it's my opinion, so don't get angry.

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2012, 05:25:38 am »
 :oops: Did i come across as angry?  That was not my intention at all, just wondering is all.   I've hit weeaboos with 8 pt with throwing spears 5 times and had them still chase me down.  So I was merely Curious what other's experiences were.   Chest shots turn into arm shots often and headshots are mostly luck because of the lack of consistency.  Way more will an aimed headshot wiff by rather than actually hit them at all.
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Offline Miley

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2012, 05:49:16 am »
:oops: Did i come across as angry?  That was not my intention at all, just wondering is all.   I've hit weeaboos with 8 pt with throwing spears 5 times and had them still chase me down.  So I was merely Curious what other's experiences were.   Chest shots turn into arm shots often and headshots are mostly luck because of the lack of consistency.  Way more will an aimed headshot wiff by rather than actually hit them at all.

Defend the Village is different... They're not normal cRPG builds/people/etc...
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 06:08:09 am by Miley »

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2012, 07:32:02 am »
I'm sorry to derail, but I must.   Do you really think throwing is OP?  Have you tried throwing? Because I find my thrower to be very balanced because the higher throwing weapons are almost random in where they will go.  Perhaps I am just terrible but in my experience they ( throwing spears, lances, heavy axes) lack constancy so much that you , the person throwing them more or less has to use the force to get them where you want them.

I think low tier throwing weapons are op. I've been oneshot by stone with 6PT before [several times...]. My best scores are typically when I'm a hybrid thrower. Throwing weapons ime typically fall within a small area and if you know where to aim will hit the target most of the time. With jarids, I used one as a tracer to find out where the aiming center is, and then used the following two for the kill. Lances, ime, failed to be nearly as effective as mid-tier throwing weapons as they kill in about the same amount of hits but you only have 4 as opposed to 12.

For mid and high tier throwing, I think it's "fine" if not a pain in the ass that I'd rather not deal with.

For op's questions:
1) The only time that it's acceptable for ranged to shoot me is if I do something retarded and thus deserved it. I was originally ming every ranged that hit me until I found out why they probably hit me. I do m them a lot more than melee though.

2) The only time I don't mind an archer helping is when the enemy is running, ranged himself, or if I was out numbered.

3) I don't know what you mean by less-more so...

4) In melee, I've hit people 12 times with a scottish just for them to live and kill me with one hit. I've hit people 8 times with a MW Claymore for somebody to come up and steal my kill [or I just died :(]. I don't really feel sorry for archers needing a lot of hits. The most shots it took me to kill somebody was around 5 for somebody in lordly everything armor [I might've been using 8PD instead of 9], but averaged around 3.

I'll probably make an archer alt soon to see where I failed with my fail build; maybe after I make a stf 21/21 mauler.

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2012, 01:30:04 pm »
Well I kinda prefer two handed/poleaxe so im gonna go all STR. Yes I understand how hard this is, but with time I will learn I hope. Throwers are kinda fun in my perspective.
"Anger is as good as courage".

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2012, 02:27:03 pm »
I think low tier throwing weapons are op. I've been oneshot by stone with 6PT before [several times...].


4) In melee, I've hit people 12 times with a scottish just for them to live and kill me with one hit.

You, sir, are an agibuild which deserves to die in one hit of a good, hightier, throwing weapon.

Throwing isn't a "just put some random PT points in" thing anymore; eats wpf, it is expensive in upkeep, and without heirloomed everything it really is not a very effective killer. For instance, 9 javelins cost a load to upkeep. Yet, you throw 6 in a horseman, 3 hit the horse, 3 hit the rider, he's off riding around right as rain. Meeeh. And hitting 6 out of 9 is being fairly accurate with your throws.

I miss the old times where a sniper crossbow was instant death to an agibuild; but that was balanced. Even with the old sniper, a tincan with IF could take (survive) two shots, while a low-armoured agispammer would die right off. Fair trade.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 03:03:47 pm by bruce »
Best ban reason ever:
Quote from: Wookimonsta
I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2012, 03:01:33 pm »
As a cav I can say throwing hybrids are a pain in the ass.

It's not really what they actually do but rather the fact that they basically deny access to their zone of control.

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2012, 04:08:48 pm »
I hate throwing-shield hybrids, fucking unfair, I can't throw at them but they can throw at me.
I also hate shielder lancers, fucking unfair shit.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Nerfing - Buffing? A newbie's perspective!
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2012, 04:40:17 pm »
And clearly I really should immediately stop overly abusing totally unrelated adverbs completely everywhere.