Author Topic: unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem  (Read 531 times)

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unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:30:40 am »
Ok this is not so much an unban request as a request for clarification and such.

I was just banned off of the NA1 server for tking, which I am not refuting.
First off I would like to know how long the ban is for.
Secondly I would like to say this was not an unprovoked tk. an archer name Ayashka or something along those lines saw fit to fire arrows at me and my horse repeatedly after another guy (whom was trying to tk me earlier) had hit my horse twice for no reason. I killed the archer to stop her from killing me, and the next round about a minute or so in I stumbled upon her again, she drew her bow and I lost it and tked her again. I'm willing to accept the ban for the tk's but I do not believe it's just to let this sort of troll behaviour slide. This is deliberate goading by the archer in question to find someone easy to piss off so they tk them, screenshot it and get them banned, and I've had enough of that crap. I'm not a troll I don't run around teamwounding and ticking players off, I just lost my cool on an asshat.


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Re: unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 08:43:11 am »
I was there and did see that archer shooting your horse on purpose.  Other guy looked to be throwing rocks at you.  I thought it was pretty obvious you were not an enemy considering you were on your horse, not moving, right in the middle of a bunch of friendlies...

So they were provoking you, for whatever that's worth.

You need to take screenshots of the message log when that happens, though.  Personally, I find getting people banned to be more rewarding than revenge TK'ing them anyway.
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Re: unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 10:15:02 am »
I logged on, and saw i chat complaints of you intentionally teamkilling someone two rounds in a row, and saw the chat log you being M reported repeatedly and then saying "my old friend" after you tk'd them.

So I gave you a 24 hour ban.

With this information though, I'll reduce it to twelve or so.. probably unban you when I'm at a computer tomorrow early in the day.

I can't check the logs until tomorrow so I can't quite recall who this altercation was with, or see if you M reported them.

I'll check the logs and see what I can see, and consider what Slamz said.

There's often an admin on, please use "i" chat or post here when you have a problem with screenshots of the M's being reported and stuff like that instead of revenge teamkilling, which is explicitly against the rules.
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Re: unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 01:58:41 pm »
They'd attacked me in quick succession I had no chance to report the first guy, but the archer I believe was reported. Like I said they were nobbing around to get someone banned, they found someone who has a short temper.

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Re: unban request: Arn_Lord_of_Jerusalem
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 08:19:42 pm »
Unbanned.  Don't tk!
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