I believe, if my calcualtions are correct, there are 162 types of armour, many of which are uber-cool. The problem is is the price range for upkeep. Seeing as you spend what seems about 90% of your character's life getting from 25-31, people generally stay in the 40-45 armour range- decent protection, fairly light and up keep is manageable. Unfortunately the coolest looking one there is the kuyaks.
I say bump most of the lower level armours up and some of the heavier more expensive armours down so there is more variety to choose from once you hit level 25ish, then maybe we'll see less kuyaks and more lamellar vests and corrazinas.
That said, all the new armours look pretty cool, especially the highlander, but the barbarian isn't Calradian barbarian but more Forgotten Realms barbarian.