Hello... everyday I play I see a strange french man called PEPE who does many bannable things
- he uses CAPS
- he uses french language
- he has strange behaviour on all maps
- he hates horses
- he hates archers
- he hates haters
- he wants to ban the banners
- sometimes he's useless, sometimes he kills a lot of ennemies
- he stays at spawn with peasants clothes and wait for spawn killer to trapp them to death
- he only kills horses when he meet cavs
- he's gay and he says it everywhere
- he's french
- he gives money to pple just to have friends
- he sucks admins balls and lick their ass everynight
and the worst : he uses BAN / UNBAN forum to make a poll and a stupid thread ! BAN HIM FOREVER !!!
So, I think he deserved a permaban... please clean Crpg of these sort of players...let the real men fight together and size their penis !
Thank you for fast answer