so i join siege enjoying myself, and i get a x5 this TERMINATOR guy opens the gate intentionally. i complain instantly to the gm using regular chat because im not to fond of ratting on people and wasnt familiar using "i" admin chat. So i rage and yell WHO IS THE FUCKING ADMIN ON! and he says a lil something in pink text "Me" i tell him that TERMINATOR is opening gates while defending and while this goes on another griefer "Fugazi" starts choping my face in half while im talking to admin. So i start pounding my face on the M key twice because thats how many tw's it took for him to stop , so he reminds me to use I chat. He simply does nothing but ask the griefer if he warned him before as thought he wasnt sure of himself? like really No warnings No kicks. ABSOLUTE worst admin i've ever seen !!! usually you see the "Show names cheat" cuz they distinguish the teamwounder this guy didnt even do nothing