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dueling lancers.
« on: April 16, 2012, 11:37:52 pm »
i almoust always lose duel when i and enemy ride straight to eachoder. So what is the trick?
Do i aim for enemy horse head,enemy boots,or enemy body or trick is in releasing and wpf and mw items? I realy don't get it.
Please help. :cry:

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 11:43:27 pm »
Wolverines only weight about 35 lb, yet with their ferocity can run off Black & Grizzly bears that weight over 500 lbs.  Sure the bears could kill the Wolverine, but it is not typically worth the risk to their own livelihood to do so.

Translation: go kill inf, thats what cav does best. Dont do head to head duel with lances.  I dont know, but it would be nice if one of these lancers did a video tutorial~

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 12:44:18 am »
2 ways

aim for enemys hand with lance or for ponnys head(silly fukin move)

and remember to use full lance lenght
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 12:50:36 am »
fighting inf is easy,fighting cav is totaly different story. I think that best bet is to attack straight ,and stab enemy lancer horse head. I think that is the only way to kill/dissmount them. Sometimes it work,sometimes it doesn't.
HA you can't cach alone,and 1h cav are total my old friends who play dirty. They always tend to stop you with their horse and then hit your horse head. That is are the lamest tactic ever. Somehow when they ride from side in front of your horse,my lance always miss them (probaly fucked hitboxes),and they always hit my horse head. I totaly hate that two classes.

2 ways

aim for enemys hand with lance or for ponnys head(silly fukin move)

and remember to use full lance lenght

so you mean i ride straight to them or i move a little in left side right before moment of contact?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 12:53:16 am by Mlekce »

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 02:49:26 am »
I would suggest you keep up with one class for couple of generations so we don't have to read your threads that sound a bit whiny, atleast to me they sound like you are almost mad...

You just have to practise practise practise... 1 vs 1 cav duels from straight ahead are hard and even the best lancers get dismounted sometimes. It is just something you have to deal with or change your class. I think you get the general idea. Turn your own horse to the left while you strike to right with proper timing. Otherwise raise your shield or block down and keep turning your horse even more left if you see the other guy having far more better timing. Cavalry is time consuming class to master like any other. It takes infinite amounts of fail to finally learn the proper tricks.
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 08:00:16 am »
Timing is the key.

You could spectate some good lancer. There are a few of them who wins these duels like 9/10 times.

If you really want to specialize in killing other melee cavalry you should use the arabian warhorse.

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 08:55:52 am »
Start your thrust farther away then you think you should:  you'll be surprised at, at least the heavy lance, how early you need to begin.  Need to compensate this timing if they are using courser, warhorse, whatever, its different every time.  Best bet is if you think they are a good player, under commit and veer your horse to the side while you lance at an angle away from you.  This will probably miss. 

But it leaves you open for mind games.  Lots of coursers turn around and take another pass.  If you have a more maneuverable horse, begin 180 spinning your horse while chambering a lance.  You can complete the thrust animation as your horse comes to a 180 pivot and catch them off timing, leading to pr0 kills.  This is how I helped team USA win the EU cav tournament with BADPLAYER and Huey Newton, its like they never saw the technique before.

Another good idea is to slow down your horse.  People will start their lance timing with how they predict your horse will be traveling.  So, be unpredictable.  Slow down your horse right before engagement and watch them release too early, as you get the kill.

Alternatively, juke hard away and aim just for their horse, if you want to effectively make that cav player rage and think you are awful cav.  It works, but its lame.

I'm just gonna plug my pro footage here, final round of the Great Khans cav tournament, team USA vs Team Byzantium.  Really good playing from both teams!

I'm in the red tunic.  Watch in the last two rounds how I cut people off, crossing their T with lances, or doing full 180s.  Its very effective.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 07:09:19 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2012, 12:48:43 pm »
thanks smoothrich you were helpful a lot.
riddaren i know Arabian warhorse is good but it dies so easily,one arrow and it is dead.

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2012, 02:40:41 pm »
Damn Smoothrich. It's like watching myself back when I was polearm cav D: Are you my lost brother?
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2012, 05:06:20 pm »
Changing your speed will allow you to throw off the enemies lance timing but still allow you to maintain control over when you are hitting them.

Also turning away (and then back in) if you thrust early, and if you thrust late, try turning your horse into the kill (so your lance hits sooner). 

You eventually get a feel for it.  My pet peeve going against another lancer is them blocking.  You should be ready to change from horse to the rider as your target as you are guiding the lance in.  If they are not blocking, I go for the rider, if they are (or I know they are one who is likely to block) I go for the horse (and basically thrust through the horse's head and into the rider).

And what Digglez said is true.  Lance cavalry shouldn't be going up against other lance cavalry.  You have a 50% chance of winning, which is pretty shitty odds compared to going after melee infantry who you out-reach.  You should ideally only be running interference on enemy cavalry (although even myself am guilty of engaging due to boredom or just to be adventurous).  The best tactics for lance cavalry is to engage enemy infantry who is engaged with your infantry, this is your highest priority.  After this, you should be trying to pick off the lone stragglers (especially the higher tiered armor players).  Same with when you ride into a group of engaged enemy infantry, try to go after the pikemen, and the heaviest armored players, this is going to help your team win the round.

Also I try to help out teammates who get over-extended.  If I notice a player fighting 1v2 I'll try to ride through and bump an enemy for him (or stab one of them).  It's tricky as you can't expect your teammate to see you coming, or even step back if they're being circled by enemies, so be defensive, not reckless, and realize there's a good chance your horse will be hit by a friendly.  I still go into these situations, but you can't get mad if your horse gets team killed when you're trying to help someone, shit happens.
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2012, 05:10:53 am »
Huesby this 50/50 chance thing what is this crap you're spouting! Do you really think its chance when two lancers face off in a head on? Maybe when two people of equal skill face off but I know for damned sure that new cav players arent dehorsing me. But for the most pert I agree killing infantry is a really good thing to do especially those rambo players that wreak havoc on your team. But I for the most part like to take out another cav player whenever I have the chance knowing they will try and pick off my infantry later. I especially go after other cav when I'm outnumbered which is only because I use an Arabian and most cav I kill arnt in the position to lance me back.
My horse is named pebbles and we like to try.

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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2012, 05:20:37 am »
well, the ctrl+j feature can be rather disturbing for cav... but well... I only tried twice, worked cool I stopped other and with my double sided lance I stabed him before going away with my 8 ridin!
the second time I got stabbed in the face...

I think there is something to be done with this, but maybe with 1h cav more...
So the new response to ranged ragers is not "get a shield", it is "learn to chamber ranged nub!"
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Re: dueling lancers.
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2012, 05:39:16 pm »
spaniard I just say "50/50" chance.  One of us is most likely going to die, I'm usually always confident it won't be me, but still the fact remains, there's 2 of us, and one is dying.  They have the speed and the range to reach me, where as most infantry don't.  That's why I say it's better to be going after infantry.  If I'm being 100% tactical, I won't take on enemy cavalry unless they are tearing up our team (I will just try to run interference and keep them away without engaging).

I usually know what my odds are when I go 1v1 vs an enemy lancer, I usually am familiar with them and know if I have a better chance of killing them than they do me.  My bro kills me about 3 out of 4 times, so I try to avoid going head to head, but most other cavalry I feel confident at least having a 50% chance of winning.  Usually the only times I'm attacking other lancer cavalry has nothing to do with tactics, and more of a machismo/pride thing "I'm the better lancer of the two of us" (or just A.D.D.).
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