Author Topic: The Snitch Culture of crpg  (Read 8612 times)

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Re: The Snitch Culture of crpg
« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2012, 06:42:01 am »
I honestly don't remember details of the IRC convo, so sorry if I left out that you apologized.  In the end, no real harm was done, and Tears corrected the situation (I tried to make that clear).

The point of my story was that "snitches", whiners, whatever are bad for the community just like griefers and it's the job of admins to make sure the right thing is done in both cases.  A good admin will understand that, and my story was just an example of that system breaking down and having a negative effect on the player-base.

The point wasn't to crucify Tears, although I do think it was handled incorrectly.  I don't hold any bad feelings toward you personally, Tears, and I can appreciate that admins are voluntary, do a lot, and mistakes will be made.  That's all the more reason, however, for admins to take an approach like smooth.

Like the op said, the game is for fun and some people just take it too seriously sometimes. 

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Re: The Snitch Culture of crpg
« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2012, 02:15:40 pm »
Being an admin sucks because everyone hates you and a make a whole bunch of new enemies.

But when I am able to ban someone for breaking the rules...  It just feels so good that I really do not mind it.  8-)

Tattle threads makes me able to feel good more often.

Also it is great to have for evidence towards people that you eyewitness breaking the rules.  It brings more credibility if they have a past history of infractions. 

The only thing that would be better is maybe if I load fraps so I can have video evidence.

I haven't decided if feeling good is worth the effort though.   :lol:
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Being a smallish community doesn't entitle you to act more like a dick than other communities.