You are a liar "Dovahkiin" know, that the admins can see the logs?
I was also ingame and saw the action of you "Dovahkiin".
You run trough the map and kicked some random mates, when the map too. You could provocate the players with your actions - that you should know.
After you attacked some mates, you spammed the "all-chat", so one players said to you, that you should stop this shit. Then you start a poll against Turk_Power_Akreep without a reason - that is called RAGE-POLL and it is not allowed.
After you did some shit ingame, one player start a kick-poll against you. But he had a reason for the kick - read the text above this.
If Turk_Power_Akreep hitted you and dealed damage to you, he did that, because you provocated him, like you provocated some other players.
Your ban-request is incredible. I would say, this is a rage-ban-request for your failed kick/ban-poll in game. Why you did'nt post a screenshot? I would say, because we could see here your fail-actions.