Author Topic: (CRPG MMO)  (Read 2775 times)

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« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2012, 07:48:09 pm »
Talk real nice to CCP about how they make their servers work for their 2k+ fleet fights and hope that you don't have to deal with that exact problem for a while, though even then there's time dilation which serves fairly well. Having played EVE and talked to a friend a lot about Darkfall I can say that even if you don't want EVE's servers you absolutely positively want to look at them for how to create an effective and vibrant sandbox that creates content for players. Either way though I think this might be beyond the scope of a kickstarter, particularly because it would have to cover ongoing costs once it starts.

It is a completely different kind of game, and requires a completely different engine/netcode.
Pretty much what Ozin said, I don't expect to see a MMO like this for years (and by MMO I mean player count in the thousands, not hundreds).