Eu6 - Rageball.
Ban criteria - Everytime he's on a losing streak he scores own-goals to fuck up balance or try to get himself re-balanced and onto the winning team.
Album - stuff - He trolls so much, writes stuff like "fuck you" to all of us in the chat for no reason, random map change polling if he's got x1, and also, just a tiny thing, but cos I said to him i'd make a ban thread everytime he saw my dead corpse he'd stand over it ages doing swings, which shows you how unstable his mental state is. He clearly knows the rageball rules seeing as he's on so much, nearly everytime i go in that server, so I wouldn't take any bullshit if he came here and tried to explain the own goals and fucking up balance for everyone. I even lost a nice 5x cos of it - he was on other team, I had x5, then he scored 3 or 4 OG's and on like the 4th or something a rebalance happened and suddenly he wsa playing on my team and scored an OG and i had x1