i was banned yesterday and honestly im not sure why i got banned.
there must be only 2 reason i could find after askin myself "why i got banned?"
first one is plain and simple i hit one of my team mate at the start of a round without a reason.
and the second one i wrote some ridiculous comments on chat like " rape their dogs and pigs ", " rape their tents and castle walls " etc.
so i think this unban topic is all about to show my sadness and misery to everone espacially to the mods.
Please hear me my dear mods.
yes i know i make some mistakes couse im a simple human being that can make lots of mistakes.
im sorry if i harrast some other players game.
please accept my apologies and let me turn my dear cRPG servers.
i love you all no matter how hard you kick my ass away.
have a good game all.