Author Topic: Unban request  (Read 301 times)

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Offline Rashale

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Unban request
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:41:31 pm »

Last night I was banned. To be honest, I don't really remember the server it was on, but EU_2 would be my guess.
It started with someone randomly killing me (stabbing me with a spear while I was on my horse), I was at the flag and there was no enemy around, so it could not have been accidental.
I know it's against the rules to avenge a TK and I'm sorry and shouldn't have done it, but I did, and apparently I was banned for it.
As embarrasing as it is, I do not remember his name nor did I take any screenshots because I didn't expect a ban.
It wasn't a poll ban.

Is there anything you can do to look at the logs and possibly unban me? And if there's no hope then how long is the actual ban? I believe it happened last night between 22:30 - 00:00 CET.

Ingame name: Rashale