Author Topic: Random events in game!old/new thread!INVASION OF THE HORDE  (Read 293 times)

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Random events in game!old/new thread!INVASION OF THE HORDE
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:25:50 pm »
(probly just dreaming due to limitations)
I was thinking.........remember defend the virgin..........npcs......... well i was thinking of adding a random event of npc on the battle field (in battle mode)that both sides would have to put down before killing one another off.
it would spice the game up and there could be rewards or penalties example:
winning against npc would give everyone 10k exp(or whatever amount would be deemed good amount)
losing against the horde npc would be bad both teams would lose their multi's and all there armor an weapon would break for that round causing massive repairs for all
so team work would be required to add to the fun!!!! :twisted:

just think a message would show up saying THE HORDE HAS JOINED THE BATTLE then 50 heavy armored units would come an kill everyone.

please discuss dont troll the idea

plus if i could get a devs opinion as well thats be cool
Shit happens and then you die.