Author Topic: Unintended Consequences (long)  (Read 3751 times)

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Re: Unintended Consequences (long)
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2012, 06:10:34 pm »
Hot_Chick_with_a_Sword is a naked character if I remember rightly. Of course you're going to die over and over again...

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Re: Unintended Consequences (long)
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2012, 06:35:51 pm »
Rushing and spamming me usually leads to success...  :?

Once someone reached me I am dead. There is no way I can do any harm to him any more, so it's only a matter of time until a block of mine fails... which isn't long...  :(

Let me teach you a very valuable trick as a piker: when someone runs up to you and spams, block their first 2 or 3 strikes, run forward to their side, jump right as you get next to them, chamber your attack, turn 180* and release as you spin. It takes a little work to perfect it, but jumping spin stabs are the only way to 1v1 with a pike. I've killed some good players using this trick. It only works twice or so though before they get the hang of it and can retaliate, so after that grab your sidearm.


Nerf-rpg has unintended consequences?  It's pretty obvious that you make pikes/long spears go from 2 slots to 3 slots, and then nerf the hell out of archers that you're going to see a huge spike in cavalry. 

I say revert back to the patch before the archery nerf and leave well enough alone.  Nothing was so overpowered or unbalanced that it required a nerf.  Balance team fail.

Maybe focus on fixing strategus and getting new players into it (and maybe getting new players incorporated into crpg, i.e. a message that tells them how to use battalions, and to focus on teamwork).

This wasn't the work of the balance team. In fact, balance team is very much against the ranged nerf.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 06:41:13 pm by Zerran »
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Re: Unintended Consequences (long)
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2012, 06:42:07 pm »
Let me teach you a very valuable trick as a piker: when someone runs up to you and spams, block their first 2 or 3 strikes, run forward to their side, jump right as you get next to them, chamber your attack, turn 180* and release as you spin. It takes a little work to perfect it, but jumping spin stabs are the only way to 1v1 with a pike. I've killed some good players using this trick.

Meh. I don't like any kind of jumping-hits, but it seems I have no great choice... thanks!

It only works twice or so though before they get the hang of it and can retaliate, so after that grab your sidearm.

My WHAT? The only sidearm I can have (but don't) is a quarterstaff or a shortened spear, and usually they don't let me draw it after they reach me. (And no, I don't always see them approaching)

If pike would only be 2 slots it would be perfectly fine  :cry:
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)

Offline Zerran

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Re: Unintended Consequences (long)
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2012, 06:45:13 pm »
Meh. I don't like any kind of jumping-hits, but it seems I have no great choice... thanks!

My WHAT? The only sidearm I can have (but don't) is a quarterstaff or a shortened spear, and usually they don't let me draw it after they reach me. (And no, I don't always see them approaching)

If pike would only be 2 slots it would be perfectly fine  :cry:

My three favorite choice for sidearms are military cleaver, italian sword, or military pick. You don't really need any 1 hand wpf for them to be effective either.

EDIT: best time to take out the sidearm is immediately after a successful jump stab. Alternatively charge them with the pike chambered, and right before it reaches them, pull it out and rush them. You can often get a couple good hits in before they can adjust.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 06:48:21 pm by Zerran »
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Re: Unintended Consequences (long)
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2012, 11:17:59 pm »
Hot_Chick_with_a_Sword is a naked character if I remember rightly. Of course you're going to die over and over again...
You'd think, but Hot_Chick probably does best out of my silly characters, at least on the battle servers. Currently she has 1 kill for every 3 deaths, which isn't bad for someone who runs around in a bikini.
The word is "anyway" not "anyways". You are not Gabby Hayes.
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