Author Topic: Horse Archery  (Read 3920 times)

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2012, 12:22:06 am »
You kill my horse with exaclty 4 body shots... Not 5-8.

I devised a new secret technique of ancient 1h cav to fight against HA. But I'm not revealing anything, and I don't think you would either xD Interesting duels indeed. I think we ended up being pretty even, but you weren't aiming at my horse, and I got a shield so it doesn't really count. HA against light cav seems ok to me currently, and probably underpowered. I think it's a good idea to buff the HA skill (less agi needed ?) and the Yumi, that one really deserves some love. Faster paced horse archery isn't goign to hurt anyone. But the damage should stay the same.

But what I would really like to see nerfed, though, is the bumpshots. HA are able to "aimlock" shielded infantry, forcing them to keep the shield up, while simultaneously go and bump them. There's virtually no defense against that, no matter what type of infantry you are, even hoplites, that are logically protected against the two threats, can't do anything.

Finally, when you count hits, don't forget that I usually had to hit you twice with my sword to kill you, given I had very little speed bonus when chasing you.

What horse are talking about here?(no offense, but there are so many fucking cavs everywhere nowadays that I cant memorize the players/horses so well) Also back then I had 145ish wpf 5PD, now I have 6PD 160 wpf, even now I rarely bother shooting coursers/destriers to body, waste of arrows, but if its an arabian or rouncey ill gladly kill it.

Bout horsebump. Man do you even see how many times people just jump 5 meters in the air and cut my head off when i try that? Also if I do an intentional bump and try to get a shot, it takes me longer to draw the bow than the bumped guy to get back on his legs and get moving destroying my chance, so it only works with 5PD, and if I hold my shot.. for longer than 1-1,5sec my accuracy is so bad that hitting the target is based on pure luck then(usually i dont bother if its like that). This only works against 2handers with a shield and no other weapons, atleast 70% reliably.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:25:32 am by Mtemtko »
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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2012, 12:25:07 am »
Bout horsebump. Man do you even see how many times people just jump 5 meters in the air and cut my head off when i try that? Also if I do an intentional bump and try to get a shot, it takes me longer to draw the bow than the bumped guy to get back on his legs and get moving destroying my chance, so it only works with 5PD, and if I hold my shot.. for longer than 1-1,5sec my accuracy is so bad that hitting the target is based on pure luck then. This will only work against 2handers with a shield and no other weapons.

I forgot about that. Again the only way for an HA to avoid being slashed like that with a bump is to get the shot off and stun the person. Bloody difficult though.

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2012, 12:26:48 am »
I forgot about that. Again the only way for an HA to avoid being slashed like that with a bump is to get the shot off and stun the person. Bloody difficult though.

the jump decapitation happens almost always with turtles, so yeah, way too risky to go for the shot like that, but if its a polearmer/2her walking in a straight line or fighting shooting him headon, bumping him and hoping to hit him again isnt that hard. (except for the last shot)

I forgot to mention that this 3-combo only works well with an arabian/slower and more agile horse, with the courser I cant dodge danger at all and if I shoot at 3/4 or full speed, my arrows hit the ground 10 meters infront of me unless im shooting in the sky (I didnt notice this half a year ago).

I'd probably go for 8PD just for more damage(as shitty it is now), but seeing that difference from 6/7PD is almost nonexistant... :/
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:37:37 am by Mtemtko »
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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2012, 01:15:15 am »
I forgot about that. Again the only way for an HA to avoid being slashed like that with a bump is to get the shot off and stun the person. Bloody difficult though.

adding to that, when we do pull it off, we still do very little damage to them :P

Eitherway, i try to do that a lot when im last in the round, it gives melee a chance to kill us as we get in their range, so if i was melee, i wouldnt complain :P (i dont when playing on melee alt :) )
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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2012, 01:20:20 am »
Nerf Horse Archers to be able to use only Sumpters, then increase damage, accuracy, and whatever for them.

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #50 on: January 31, 2012, 10:43:34 am »
I imagine how bumpshots can be difficult when you face a jump-happy imp, but still, if you slow down enough most builds can't dodge the bump (but then ofc, you are easier to slash straight on)

What horse are talking about here?(no offense, but there are so many fucking cavs everywhere nowadays that I cant memorize the players/horses so well) Also back then I had 145ish wpf 5PD, now I have 6PD 160 wpf, even now I rarely bother shooting coursers/destriers to body, waste of arrows, but if its an arabian or rouncey ill gladly kill it.

I got a +3 Arab :( goes down in 4 shots. That happened quite often during that map and this is more a rant than criticism because I was particularly bad that day, continuously going your way :lol:

Lancer you weren't quite so good. But I know for example, Kerrigan and Maganda can outsmart me every time and 1shot me with their lances/champ arabians if I get into a fight with them.

Heh, I really lost my lancer skills, and you guys improved a lot. Nowadays, I chicken out when I see Kerrigan, and I don't remember that in the past. That's part of the reason I was in the duel server (to get that bloody lance timing back), but sadly there aren't many good lancers training there.

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2012, 12:04:59 pm »
The thing with HA is they can absolutely not be overpowered, cuz then everybody would play as one. They might be slightly underpowered now but not much... Its the most annoying class to have as an enemy. The advantages of riding and shooting from range is a helluva advantage id say. You cant have every cookie in the bowl and eat them by yourself.

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #52 on: January 31, 2012, 12:34:52 pm »
The thing with HA is they can absolutely not be overpowered, cuz then everybody would play as one. They might be slightly underpowered now but not much... Its the most annoying class to have as an enemy. The advantages of riding and shooting from range is a helluva advantage id say. You cant have every cookie in the bowl and eat them by yourself.

Slightly underpowered is an understatement, I'm pretty sure a HA does less damage from horseback with the same PD, WPF, bow and arrows than an archer does on foot, because of the minuses for being on a horse. The HA skill negates this, but I think the most HA people use is 4 ( atleast it's what I use on my alt and I have a 15/24 build ) and I can't imagine that negates all of the minuses.

So when Horse Archers were nerfed a while ago, they became balanced, but when archers as a whole got nerfed recently, it nerfed horse archers again and now they're double nerfed, more than any build. I imagine the way to fix this would be to make it so HA skill gives more bonus, or something along those lines.

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Re: Horse Archery
« Reply #53 on: January 31, 2012, 05:31:08 pm »
I have found it much easier to counter foot archers since patch. and I have still been doing good as HA.
I mostly use nomad bow now and aim for head (on horses and people) works like a charm.

Alternatly I can switch to mw horn with mw bodkins and still get alot of kills doing body shots but since i can do just as good with the cheap nomad I have been sticking with it.

so for my 2cents HA is fine as is