Author Topic: Tatar Bow  (Read 514 times)

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Tatar Bow
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:47:38 pm »
Since the last couple patches, the timing of the draw seems noticeably slower and less reliable, on par with how slow the Horn used to be. Any archer using these bows notice this?

Timing is a critical component to archer combat, especially since we can no longer jump, move while shooting, or use a decent melee weapon.

It feels to me like one of two things happened, either it was slowed by coding, or they made the draw take EXTRA LONG if you have to take a sidestep to adjust to the terrain.

I suspect something like the latter because the draw rate seems to be variable at times.

If this is the case, it is a really poor mechanic. Timing in video games is everything. Changing things so that you can't tell within 20-30 ms when your swing (or arrow) will launch ruins gameplay.

If you want to change draw speed, change draw speed. But quit introducing unreliable mechanics to address complaints from other classes.
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Re: Tatar Bow
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2012, 08:13:51 am »
hear hear!

time to revert back a few old nerfs now that the new damage systems in place and we need to score headshots to kill anything.