Author Topic: rageball suggestion  (Read 304 times)

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Offline Nagasoup

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rageball suggestion
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:51:26 pm »
1. After every goal, the team that scored should be teleported back to their side of the pitch, to prevent spawn camping at the enemy goal after scoring and getting multiple goals afterwards.

2. Make the goal bigger, but you have to shoot from a longer distance. Right now people just run right up to the goal and facehug it to score. Maybe the goal should be put in a place that cant be reached by the attacker, but make it bigger, so people have to actually aim to shoot the ball.

Offline von_felty

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Re: rageball suggestion
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 07:42:02 pm »
1. After every goal, the team that scored should be teleported back to their side of the pitch, to prevent spawn camping at the enemy goal after scoring and getting multiple goals afterwards.

But massive spawn killing is half the fun of rageball... But seriously it probably wouldn't hurt to do this.

Personally, I would like to see the ball reset to the middle of the court because its too easy to block the pass after the goal and score again.

2. Make the goal bigger, but you have to shoot from a longer distance. Right now people just run right up to the goal and facehug it to score. Maybe the goal should be put in a place that cant be reached by the attacker, but make it bigger, so people have to actually aim to shoot the ball.

I think the goals are fine as they are, but what would be nice if flags were added so you can tell them apart. Its easy to get turned around with no way to know which one is which other than you originally spawn closer to your own goal.

BTW more people should check out rageball. Its like soccer/football except you get to kill the other players.