Hello, I'm really frustrated that you're making crossbows/archers more and more popular among players.
Not dissing you or anything, but the amount of Dave clones drasticly increased after you wrote a good guide about xbowers.
Sometimes people ask me, if im planning on writing an archery guide. And too be honest, i want too write a guide too help out new archers. But seeing as what your guide did... it only brings more rangespam. So for now i refuse
Dont get me wrong, im not blaming you or pointing fingers. Its just how it is most of the times, people wont commit to there own idea's and creativity. But search until they find some guide they can follow.
And in my experience, archery cant be taught by given someone a top-notch mathematic archery equipment setup and build. its more complicated then that. You would want to pick an armor that feels right for you, and still is practical: Like camoflauge for blending in, with your team and enviroment. The headarmor choice is also important, especially when you play in 3rd person mode. I think Archery is realy a feeling, and you build around that using your own unique character.
For example, my Yumi bow setup: