ok, I got a really bad habit: trying ot save my teammate in an heroic way consisting of jumping into the swing of ennemie and getting hit at his place, hoping for teammate to take the opportunity and kill the baddie. (ps i'm an heavy str built with armor and I do that often when like gangbang on very good ppl or just because I feel too lazy to block)
most of the time this result in two of us getting killed or even worse, me getting tk by bad guy.
after that I realize human meat shield was not perfect and I just tried to get implicated by getting near, waiting for swing, and, ally seem to forgot i'm here and give no opportunity, or worst, slice me and get killed after letting me bleeding affronting a berserk guy while i'm shocked, result two of us die.
realizing helping other is a bad habit, I get into the attacking mode. I berserk the way first, but still. I find a peasant to kill, he does no damage, equip want to help me, I get out this figth with 1/4 of my hp remaining... remember peasant cannot harm me... tw.
so now i'm in an alone stand : i wait a bit, killing some faithfull peasant or arrogant bad cav, and I see what can I do, stealing kill on bad gangbang on back my old friend stab, getting in a petty duel with some people, crushing shielder and, for sure, as i'm not in the elit: getting killed by arrow, sword, and other thing.
all this lead me to one question: do teamwork viable in c-rpg? all I see is a greedy run for the kill, people spammin with no care on other, gangbang 4+ on one noob to get a kill. the rare time I see teamwork is with clanmate (exemple: piker+mauler+shielder)
so do teamwork is a lost thing? do we need a guide on how to gangbang someone? use common sens and just don't get into rage kill mode : your k:d is not a way to chow how good you are, it's only the way of saying what role you have
10-1 you are the killerm the one that post the final blow to enemies
5-5 you are the balanced you do what you can, dueling, gang bang
2-0 you the dueler, the guy that take great player into a fury dance of sword
2-5 you the main mob: you're the guys that harm enemies so killer can achieve them
0-10 you peasant... you make number and serve as human shield.
-3-4 you the greedy one that tk alot to have kills... such a pity.
this post getting no where. bah I just wanted to say that we need to know what our built best for (support/duel/balance/last blow) in order to do a bit more of teamwork.
for new years c-rpg i wish you more teamwork!! so team wound can be forgotten and tw will know mean teamwork!