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Voting closed: December 27, 2011, 10:09:14 pm

Author Topic: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...  (Read 1817 times)

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 10:38:36 am »
yes, that was pretty clear now :)

I'm not sure if I like the fact you can transfer goods without travelling, which is actually one of the main cornerposts of this strat. Goods don't move themselves, and moving goods is dangerous.

Also, I'm afraid that some clans will find advanced ways of exploiting that again.

I'll think about it.

I dont like it.
Its fair you Can Trade and buy like this, but there must be someone WHO travel with it. Many players just like to earn strat gold and sell it to get crpg gold. Why not let the clans hire someone to travel with it?
If they hire someone to dó the job, they Can pay him, if hé made it, then pay the rest to that guy. If you Can make a contract it could be cool.

The clan give him troops, gear and money, if hé get under attack tje clan loose everything, if hé made its and sell it, the clan get automatik the troops, gear and money back
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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2011, 02:42:06 pm »
I dont like it.
Its fair you Can Trade and buy like this, but there must be someone WHO travel with it. Many players just like to earn strat gold and sell it to get crpg gold. Why not let the clans hire someone to travel with it?
If they hire someone to dó the job, they Can pay him, if hé made it, then pay the rest to that guy. If you Can make a contract it could be cool.

The clan give him troops, gear and money, if hé get under attack tje clan loose everything, if hé made its and sell it, the clan get automatik the troops, gear and money back
Hmmm, something like that might actually work.

Let's say we make it so you can see the offered items in EVERY town. You can also BUY the items from far away Towns. BUT, instead of them instantly teleporting to the Town you are in, someone would have to move them from the selling Town and to the buying Town.
   So if someone buys something from a far away town, an offer is then made in the selling Town for anyone to carry these X goods to the buying Town and they receive Y amount of gold for it. When they arrive, the goods are then stockpiled in the  buying Town and the Buyer is notified that he can now come and collect his stuff.
   The true nature of the wares should probably be closed to the carrier, but should be made available if he is attacked. There should also be a timelimit for him to deliver it or something, with a penalty if he fails. Also, the payment of delivering should still be good enough to be worth it.

What do you think about this idea?
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

Offline Konrax

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2011, 03:10:29 pm »
To the last 2 post,

My last post addressed all these things, and was basically what the above post said.

EDIT: The thing with these features I suggested is that it is safer for crafters to use a forced feature then to trust a person they have never dealt with before to actually pay for the goods they asked for.

This way its kind of forced that once you bought the goods, your committed for at least 7 days to your purchase.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 03:12:14 pm by Konrax »

Offline Jarlek

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2011, 03:24:18 pm »
To the last 2 post,

My last post addressed all these things, and was basically what the above post said.

EDIT: The thing with these features I suggested is that it is safer for crafters to use a forced feature then to trust a person they have never dealt with before to actually pay for the goods they asked for.

This way its kind of forced that once you bought the goods, your committed for at least 7 days to your purchase.
What you wrote in OP and my post are NOT the same. You want the stuff to be magically teleported for a gold fee. I say there shouldn't be a fee and no teleporting, but someone having to carry them the distance (and get payed by the AI for it).

I was expanding on your idea thinking of what chadz said:
I'm not sure if I like the fact you can transfer goods without travelling
You now see what my input was?

I think this would be a great thing for lone players to do. They don't have to stay at one place and craft, but they still can caravan and earn gold.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

Offline Konrax

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2011, 06:27:12 pm »
Okay lets tweak this idea then with these factors in mind and refine it a bit.

Sorry its a little wordy but there is a lot of core stuff changed with this idea.

Have the cities main crafted goods posted first, then the global market listed separately afterwards with the crafters name, and the city the goods are located in.

You can purchase the goods from any location, however you have 7 days to get to that city to actually complete the transaction. When you buy the goods like this the gold is automatically removed, however the crafter doesn't receive the gold until the player enters the city and the transaction is automatically completed. Also allow the crafter the option to accept, or decline long distance purchases, perhaps even add the option for the crafter to have a reserve price in % (range from 0-10 max maybe).

Secondly, allow the purchaser the option to pay for delivery, the bonus for delivery is as follows - 50% (maybe even make it as high as 75%) between the 2 furthest cities on the map. Delivery fee/bonus is automatically generated, and fixed. When a delivery is requested, the crafter has the option to accept / decline the delivery option, if it is accepted the purchasers gold is removed for the transaction, and left in the city, the purchaser is free to move to any other location immediately after buying. The crafter will then have 7 days to make it to that city to complete the transaction. Once the crafter arrives they receive their gold, and leave the goods in the city for pickup at the purchasers convenience.

If the crafter is killed on the way to the city, the transaction is canceled and the goods lost. If a battle is initiated with the crafter while they are on their way to the city, the transaction timer is frozen from the moment the battle is initiated till after it is completed. This will allow for a full 7 days travel time for merchants despite being attacked.

What you guys think of this idea? I tried to make it in a way that wouldn't be exploitable, but still fun enough to try and trick gullible crafters to come to places that they maybe shouldn't.

On page 1 just a few posts after the comment that chadz made.

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2011, 07:18:34 pm »
On page 1 just a few posts after the comment that chadz made.
... and not a very good way to do it. The first one, you can go and pick it up yourself, is basically just a "reserve" option. It wouldn't add anything new to strategus for people to do, other than reserving sales on far away places. You'd still have to move all the way over there. Same as it is now, except nobody can buy it after you've reserved it. The second one is even worse. Very few people would want to have to travel with all their wares when they just tried to drop it off in a marketplace. It would just be way easier for them then to make a post on the forums, find a buyer, go to the buyer, craft the item directly and then just sell it on spot for the buyer.
None of those opens up new jobs/roles for people in strategus. THAT'S what I wanted to include.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

Offline Konrax

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Re: [Suggestion] Cities and Equipment Trading...
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2011, 07:54:07 pm »
Connecting people like that will certainly help make the market more viable.

Although the delivery option isn't financially the best, but sometimes you need to make an army happen, and quickly, and running around all over the map collecting gear becomes problematic.

As far as the idea about having the reserve option and added fee is to make it so that if i leave the place I am working now, the goods I have bought will be there when I finally reach the location. Without a feature like this its easy for someone to change their mind and waste another players time/effort/risk or have the goods not be at that location anymore by the time you get there. The crafter is also compensated for holding the goods so its win win.

EDIT: Also with delivery, when your completely unarmed after losing a battle it becomes a very viable option to at least arm yourself with something still bellow base cost without exposing yourself to risk of getting wiped again.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 07:56:11 pm by Konrax »