Author Topic: [Unbann]random ban go!  (Read 472 times)

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Offline Brucia

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[Unbann]random ban go!
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:37:25 pm »
I was on melee server,with 9 people.One guy in our team started to attack at every match us,and after several matchs that this happened,since the admin Merciless_Tiberias was sleeping and since the pollkick were failing everytime,we decided to attack him(in our team there was me + 2 other people + the sleeping admin + the random tk guy).Others started to attack the random tk guy,and i gave the final hit.
Suddently the sleeping admin wake up and totally in confusion he banned both the random tk guy and me.People tried to explain that there wasn't any reason for ban me,but the admin's brain was(and probabily still is) lesser flexible than a steel bar.
So i ask to be unbanned from melee server(and maybe to check better to who you give these powers,because this perma-ban was totally random,because there isn't much to do against a random team (serial)killer:you can make a poll,you can wait for an admin that doesn't sleep,but if both of them fail,you can only start to attack him in group,above all if in your team there are only 5 persons)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 06:40:45 pm by Brucia »

Offline Thovex

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Re: [Unbann]random ban go!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 10:45:29 pm »
Hey Legio_Er_Brucia,

You've been banned by me, not by Tiberias, he hopped in the server a minute later than I did. At the round start there has been starts of team-attacking by someone named Jean_Aiublack in spanishsse. Jean_Aiublack in spanishsse was banned for the reason "No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling during a round" You were banned for the reason of "No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling during a round" - you were revenge attacking because someone started this team attack fest.

There were 2 other players but since I did not exactly see what they were doing I only warned those players.

Conqueror_Worm will review the logs possibly tomorrow, oh and try to refrain from insulting admins otherwise I'm going to be less friendly with you.

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Re: [Unbann]random ban go!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 11:26:58 am »
Hello Brucia,

I've talked to Thovex and taken a look at the logs. Since you joined I do not see a single mention of team attacking and only one ban poll for Jean_Aiublack in spanishsse. Revenge team-attacking is never the solution, either use polls or try to get ahold of a admin.

As it stands Thovex joined the server. He saw several people fighting at spawn, he gave a warning, then he banned the both of you. Team fighting at spawn is bannable, no matter who started it, and as such I don't see anything wrong with what Thovex did.

I will unban you this once though, but this is the only chance you get. As I said, contact me or other admins if there is problems on the server, I myself am mostly on the cRPG IRC channel under the name CoWorm.
