I was on melee server,with 9 people.One guy in our team started to attack at every match us,and after several matchs that this happened,since the admin Merciless_Tiberias was sleeping and since the pollkick were failing everytime,we decided to attack him(in our team there was me + 2 other people + the sleeping admin + the random tk guy).Others started to attack the random tk guy,and i gave the final hit.
Suddently the sleeping admin wake up and totally in confusion he banned both the random tk guy and me.People tried to explain that there wasn't any reason for ban me,but the admin's brain was(and probabily still is) lesser flexible than a steel bar.
So i ask to be unbanned from melee server(and maybe to check better to who you give these powers,because this perma-ban was totally random,because there isn't much to do against a random team (serial)killer:you can make a poll,you can wait for an admin that doesn't sleep,but if both of them fail,you can only start to attack him in group,above all if in your team there are only 5 persons)