I think you just have to get used to it, i dont think it was better before because a lot of ppl was swinging through walls (these hitboxes were weird too) and now you can't (except maybe pikes/long spears).
Yes the right swing on every weapon starts behind you and i've seen a lot of glances on the teammate behind. The left swing on 2h/1h is almost instant.. the 2h poke/overhead lingers.. ghost reach on some weapons.. glance on every wall/people that is a lil bit close.
Get used to it.. i started to play defensive and I wait for good opportunities. my solution is to block 1-2 hits in a row most of the times. Of course i still glance on walls, still getting hit by an ended 2h overhead but now that you know all these "bugs" just watch out for them, play more defensive and you'll prolly rage less.
That is my solution i found to this and it works really well for me. I stopped playing aggresive and when i do, I die.
Practicing your block helps if you want to play defensive ;)