This gay porn is confusing, so what the hell is "multiboxing"?
Perhaps the same thing happened to me, I have no idea.
One of my chars, actually its the main (admin char) is still there on the website, I can still accept namechanges and stuff, but when I try to join I cant pick any stuff.
My first thought was because I did a sexchange from, what was the name, I think it was Penthesileia to The_Dagda, so I changed my name again, this time the same sex to Dave_URK, but still the same problem, no gear, but the char is still existing on the website.
So now, by luck, I found Baltons topic.
Maybe I did this so called "multiboxing"? Not that I would understand what it is actually.
Some maps I play with my lancer alt MR_BOSSMAN, he is still okay, and I could spawn with gear like it should be.
But you know, some maps are unplayable for a pure lancer, and really frustrating to walk around with 0 athletics, so I decided to build an alt (well, the main actually) as an 2h-crossbow-hybrid or something for the anti-cav-maps, or something similiar, I dont know yet, just trying a bit around.
Did I multiboxing? I dont think so, my internet connection is so horrible and slow, I need 3 mins till the pages on this forum are finally there.
If I did, well, I would be sorry if I knew what I am accused to or what I have done wrong.
I am playing this mod for ages and I have not used one single exploit, (and never will), so if I did "multiboxing" delete my char or whatever, but please explain your rules so that normal people can understand it before their char is gone.
If I did not this "multiboxing", please can you look into my char Dave_URK now, former names The_Dadag and Penthesileia, and maybe you can heal it.