Author Topic: Having Throwing Weapons and trying to Pick up Other Weapons Bug  (Read 513 times)

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Having Throwing Weapons and trying to Pick up Other Weapons Bug
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:09:12 am »
So two nights ago, I was carrying 4x throwing lances. After I killed somebody with a weapon I wanted [ie a MW Bec], I would attempt to pick it up. If I was holding 1-2x throwing lances, I would pick up the weapon, and my throwing weapons would go missing. If I carry 2x throwing lances [at the beginning], I'm pretty sure this bug does not apply. I am able to by pass this bug by throwing my lances on the floor, picking up the weapon, picking up my lances.

Also, sometimes, when I run out of a throwing weapon, pick up a weapon and attempt to pick up a throwing weapon, I would pick it up, and when I switch to it, it'll say x0, switch back, and I can't switch back to the x0 screen.

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Re: Having Throwing Weapons and trying to Pick up Other Weapons Bug
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2011, 03:19:18 am »
Sometimes, if I picked up a weapon and spawned with it next round, I'd have it on my back, couldn't unsheath it unless I pressed numpad 1, and when I did, I'd have a second of the same weapon on my back, and if I drop the weapon, it dissapears and I can't take out the one on my back, it's really weird and unconvenient.