so i hear the deal is that if you are 31+ you cant get the smithing message? if so... then WTF. im already giving up on looming items and getting more xp bonuses... why do i gotta get fucked over on smithing too? wouldnt it make more sense for a character who doesnt retire every week to learn his gear better than a level 1 char? DERR?!
*note* I MAD
edit: why the fuck couldnt we have had at least enough info about this shit to know that we are fucking ourselves over by not retiring and getting all the benefits of retiring? seriously... i was fucking myself over for like 4 months by not retiring... gave up looms and xp boost just so i could be more useful in strat... and then i find out i was gimping myself in strat cause only low level chars can learn how to craft. HERP DERP. sometimes i hate you chadz.
Now who's fault is it that you didn't read every post in a thread that went well over 40 pages? Honestly, after playing this game for as long as you have, you should know that you should be using super natural powers to look far into the future to see how often what seems like a sensible idea now will screw you in the end.