Trading away a Masterwork Miaodao. Will accept following items in trade. Can put in about 50k to sweeten the deal if one of the following is offered.
Offers consisting of multiple lower tier items (+2 and a +1 for example) or lower tier item and gold (+2 German Greatsword + ~300k) are also considered.
Accepted items:
Long War Axe
Long Axe
Danish Greatsword
German Greatsword
Sword of War
Great Sword
Heavy Great Sword
Mail Gauntlets
Scale Gauntlets
Nord style helmets
Nord style boots
weapon length: 115
weight: 2.8
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 96
weapon length: 115
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 43 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback