Author Topic: Attack combos and cool tricks.  (Read 524 times)

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Attack combos and cool tricks.
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:15:21 am »
Hey just was hoping people could share effective attack combos and tricks.

For example, I was on the duel server and someone, I forget her name, showed me an attack that actually had a name and was effective for two handers. It was a left to right attack and then moving the other way and attacking the other way as well so that you get 2 attacks in a row basically.

What are the other cool attacks, named or otherwise?

As far as cool tricks go, I saw Ninja_Muraski as the last guy alive running from a cav right behind him. He dropped a ladder which stopped the horse and then killed it. Pure awesome!

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Re: Attack combos and cool tricks.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 09:56:57 am »
Very few tricks are noteworthy enough, or abused enough, to have names. You were shown a specific double-swing technique called "castor swing" mostly in NA. There are different variants on how to double swing, not necessarily named.

3 hit combo with knockdown weapons: First hit that knocks down, Second hit as they are on the ground, KICK since they can't dodge it, Third free hit.
Same thing goes for an additional free hit on dehorsed cav.

... There are a bunch of tricks, Most need to be explained visually to be correct. I can record videos again now, so maybe I'll make some.

fyi: Feints are best when done in specific series and timed specific ways. There are a bunch of feint series that are good for certain weapons / animation types. I go so far as to say most good people should never feint randomly in a fight, it is reckless and gets them killed.
I suggest practicing with all the different swings / feints / timings to see what works the best and practice them. Fresh minds sprout new ideas.
(practice the good ones you see done by top players)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 10:08:27 am by Marathon »
Also, I have declared myself #1 NA hybrid thrower
Formerly known as Marathon.
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