Coming back and having all my purdy heirloom points, I immediately went back into my archer roots and loomed up a Rus Bow to MW.
Really still not feeling archer specially with the new Slot system, I felt very gimped and decided to move back into melee, having already done fair bit of 2H for a couple of my generations, I figure its time to try my hand at 1H.
Now I did a direct trade for my Rus for a Deadly Steel Pick which I will say I am liking alot right now, but I'm not convinced I still do like the Warhammer, and some of the Swords.
Just really not sure what I should go for, I imagine I can trade straight across Pick -> various 1H's.
Currently looking mostly at Warhammer but just not sure.
Oh and for the Warhammer/Pick build should I be going, 18/18 or 15/21? I didn't consider 21/15 due to not enough agi to close the distance.