Author Topic: Suggestions about spears.  (Read 1181 times)

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Re: Suggestions about spears.
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2011, 02:35:43 pm »
^idk his logic has doubt people will take advantage like these said examples
Weeel, the worst I can think of is a guy with a Lance, shield and warspear, or a huscarl, 1h and warspear, or maybe a bow, 2x quivers and a spear.

None of these are really that powerful, maybe not the last one. But then again, having a spear on the back gets in the way when you are shooting in 3rd person so it's not THAT good for archers. And they can already do it with staff/quarterstaff. Of course, they could go in 1st person mode but that makes them tunnel more and easier to sneak attack.

Of course I could be forgetting some very OP combination. Anyone can think of one?

It could also be fixed by not letting ALL the spears be 1 slot. Maybe just the ones that don't rear horses (which I find silly) like the "spear".
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In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia