Shameless bump.
Need more harsheness from admins, too many exploiters.
Just yesterday, we saw this beautiful pink message " Mr X, warning. Stop autowalking." Mr X : "Yes, sorry."
As i was dead after a fantastic charge, ended with a bolt in my body, i looked at Mr X.
He was already on the other side of the map. And of course, before he reached the opponents, he was the last of his team. And then he fighted back, instead of just letting the other people kill him. Of course, he died afterwards, after a 20sec fight.
If you "want" to fight, then stop autowalking. I thought autowalking towards ennemy was considered as a suicide charge, aka leeching, aka banable. But since, too bad for him, we didn't go that way but another, he found himself surviving.
Also...i was wondering for another suggestion :
5-New pink message, with negative effects
Also...i was wondering for another suggestion. A lot of people know about the "thy valour on the battlefield hath been rewarded", and i was wondering if we couldn't "also" add a similar text, with opposing effects. I see, nowaday, a lot of people seem to be enjoying being the last one alive, even if they have to camp roof for that, and of course, i speak about xbows. It's a shame valourous melees, who die in glorious charge, after taking down 3 opponents, and suviving at least 1min in a clusterfuck don't have a chance for this message, since they wait at least another minute before the roofcamper has to jump down and die. What this message do, is not only rewarding some people, but also "forcing" people to delay, not engage right in the beginning.
So if was added a message, with opposite effects, for the same kind of people, it'd balanced that a little. For example, if you're one of the ten last to die, but you don't do any damage, and stayed far from ennemies for a long time, then you get "Stop being a coward and fight. The leader has decreased your wages." And the next round, you have a 0xp 0 gold per tick, just like if you falsely accuse of leeching when having a x1. Of course, this needs some tweaks, but i find it... shamefull, that this "valour" goes to roofcampers... Where's the valour in shooting from an unreachable roof... you tell me.
Only allowing valour for melee characters would be too harsh, thus a negative message would help balance that.
Opinions on all points ? Preferably on points 2,3 and 5, wich are the most... unsettled. 1 and 4 seems to be kind of accepted, even if they still need some refining.