Author Topic: Repaired a weapon I used the round before...  (Read 297 times)

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Repaired a weapon I used the round before...
« on: September 23, 2011, 11:43:18 am »
Yep. At the end of the round, I was out of arrows (I'm an archer). I looted a german greatsword, but when we finally won, without me dying, I forgot to drop the sword. I got no repairs that round.
When the next round starts, I spawn with my bow and arrows but without my trusted hammer. When this round is over, I get to repair a german greatsword....  :(

Appearantly the german greatsword had taken the slot for my hammer (the 0slot hammer) but since there was no room for it, it didn't spawn. Sadly the game still thought I had to sword and gave me that tig 'ol bitties 1k repair bill.