As far as the Chaos question<<< yes they are hacking<<< I realy dont care what you think or anyone else says their prob hackers also like i said previously. What am i going to get a kick again for pointing out the obviouse? Realy guys do.. me a favor will ya. Not to hard to understand i would think. Plus me having to do the admins job and serve up people on vid and screenshots hehe.. i will from now on take the time to submit such things as to help them realize the error in their ways, and hope they if they are hacking to get bann or a good kick. But seriousely i dont think anything ever happens to that affect. These people are not only lazey but crooked as well. The ones who are truely responsable for removing these hackers from our game and giving us a playable game without hacks and cheats THAT WE PAY FOR I AM A CUSTOMER . What does that say about their Char if they take up for hackers? It shows me that they are in on it 1 and they will deffend each other to the bitter end ITS worthless. Ofcourse this is only my opinion? I could prob show somone flying they would naturally call it a bug in the game. Somone looking at , and dirrectly standing facing a wall wall hacking and they would say their bugging ......i could say that this guy killd 10 people in less then 10 sec he must be REALY GOOD they would say lol. Is this what to expect from people who are running this game? is ...verry sad INDEAD....ROFL WOW Gl to all of you whom place your trust in this game it is def not worth the money i payed for it. Hackers hackies its full of them AND SOME OF THE ADMINS MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEM... WYWYWYWY DID I NOT TAKE THE (BLUE PILL)