Author Topic: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1  (Read 775 times)

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Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:08:33 am »
I was on the Na1 Battle Server, With my friend Richierich_BRD. When We were walking up the hill from spawn, And Richie And I were goofing around up the hill. I turned around and kicked richie so he aims his crossbow at me and shoot far behind me. He was not going to hit me. So he went to reload and I kicked him once so he wouldnt be able to reload. So I turn around to go back up the hill and about 15 seconds after walking I got Shot by Sakkars. He then said dont shoot reloading archers. I do not have a screen shot of that.
That is the screen shot I have. I would like something done of this.
I'm French... So what Doesn't make me any worse then I already am..

Offline Kenji

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Re: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 06:00:41 am »

This is why we highly suggest and urge players don't screw around (even among friends) amidst the heat of battle simply because others may interpret such actions different than your own.

From my impression of Sakkara, little as it may be, s/he is a casual player that hasn't broken any rules or done anything suspicious up until your request.

I will not make any hasty decisions for the time being, but will give you a friendly reminder of calming yourself and reflect about the incident.


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Re: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 06:12:55 am »
Why should I calm down about the incident. Why should i have to go through the pain, of sitting out a round of x5 Multiplier because someone couldn't resist the urge to stick there nose into someone else's business. Now I know why I dont even attempted to make ban request/ OR even a warn request or something.  As an administrator my self, Been one for 5 years on many servers, This is why I get pissed of at C-rpg Admins. Because nothing ever gets done. And by what your saying, Well your not saying anything besides she/he is a good player that has done nothing wrong and towards me saying forget about it. I dont understand why not even a rats ass has been given. I thought admins were given there powers to do stuff about this. And im not saying your a bad admin. i'm saying your judgment is just not the greatest on this one.

Im leaving it on this note. Have a good day. That is all.
I'm French... So what Doesn't make me any worse then I already am..

Offline Kenji

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Re: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 06:24:17 am »

I thought having been an admin yourself would understand why I wrote the response in such a way.

Why should i have to go through the pain, of sitting out a round of x5 Multiplier because someone couldn't resist the urge to stick there nose into someone else's business.
Maybe someone else did not want to lose their x5 multiplier because of your actions? You interrupting the ranged from doing their jobs may cause devastating effects to the team, just like if I ever "joked around and teambump teammates with my plated charger" while you're on my team, how would you feel?

Intentional TKs will never be justified and, while your evidence isn't really sufficient enough to tell if that is a intentional or unintentional tk, it will be noted and a warning pm will be written from me through the forums or through the game whenever Sakkars is present.

Again, calm thyself
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 06:28:30 am by Kenji »

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Re: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2011, 06:37:03 am »
I'm to tired to type another msg. Good night
I'm French... So what Doesn't make me any worse then I already am..

Offline Kenji

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Re: Sakkars Ban request. Na-1
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 08:04:37 am »
PM me if there are any further questions. (Or debate)

Also, for the record, Sakkara does not have a forum account, and almost didn't respond to my inquiry until I used pink text. I'm assuming he is new to cRPG, but could be wrong. If there are any evidence or witnesses of Sakkara intentionally tk-ing again, warnings have been given and no mercy will be shown.